Forming machines MMC

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Forming machines MMC

Forming machines MMC

Forming machines MMC-200 and MMC-400 allow the production of cereal bars of various shapes and sizes. One of the products of these machines is a bar of sunflower seeds. The composition of the product includes seeds and a binder.
⚠️ The beneficial properties of sunflower seeds have been known to people since ancient times, it is a valuable food product due to the high content of many vitamins, trace elements and amino acids that are well absorbed in the human body.
‼️ Using only 100 grams of sunflower seeds, your body will cover the daily requirement for many trace elements and vitamins:
? 130% in vitamin E,
? 70% in vitamin B5,
? 40% in vitamin B6,
? as well as about 115% in selenium and phosphorus, 30% in zinc and magnesium,
? 20-25% in iron and potassium,
? and 45% in fiber.
✅ Sunflower seeds have powerful antioxidant properties, help to remove toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the human body.
✅Useing seeds helps lower cholesterol in the blood.
⠀ Only produce healthy and tasty foods, and SWEETS TECHNOLOGIES machines will help you with this